Thursday, August 23, 2012

Hello there!

So I was just at work today, and I had this overwhelming urge to create a nail polish blog. No idea why. It was totally out of the blue.

Anyway, I should probably introduce myself.
My name is Alana. I just graduated from high school and I will be taking a gap year before attending college next fall.

I don't pretend to be any sort of nail polish expert, but its just something I like to do. I don't have as much as some people, only around 50 bottles (which is still a TON for a normal 18 year old girl), but I like experimenting, and because I "already belong to every other social media site possible," as so aptly put by a male friend of mine, I figured I would share my nail polish expeditions on the Internet.

So here I am. Nice to meet you.

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