Thursday, December 27, 2012

31 Day Challenge - Day 12: Stripes / I'm A Terrible Person


So I really wanted to do a bunch (if not two or three) of Christmassy manicures, fitting them in with the challenge prompts, but honestly, I don't paint my nails that much! I don't redo them every day like other nail polish bloggers, and I leave my polish on for almost a week.

Ugh I just feel bad because I wanted to do more holiday nails but I would've had to have Christmas nails for like the entire month of December. Which I wasn't exactly thrilled to do.


I'm also a terrible person because it is TWO DAYS AFTER CHRISTMAS and I took these nails off a few days ago. I JUST FORGOT TO POST THIS PLEASE DON'T HATE ME.

Not like anyone reads my blog except for Rita (hi rita!)

And then I took super shitty pictures, on top of it all, and I only have one semi-good one to show you guys.

So here are my candy cane striped nails. I like them a lot (: At first I tried freehanding the white stripes with my Orly striper, but it was just a disaster. Especially on the right hand. So I redid it using tape, and I'm super glad I did. Even though it took foreverrrrr.

Colors Used: 
-SOPI Sample Sale
-Orly Striper in White Out (I still used the striper even though I was using tape because it's nice and opaque)

Alright well. That's it. I'm going to go write my post on my animal print nails.

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas! 

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