Thursday, December 27, 2012

31 Day Challenge - Day 12: Stripes / I'm A Terrible Person


So I really wanted to do a bunch (if not two or three) of Christmassy manicures, fitting them in with the challenge prompts, but honestly, I don't paint my nails that much! I don't redo them every day like other nail polish bloggers, and I leave my polish on for almost a week.

Ugh I just feel bad because I wanted to do more holiday nails but I would've had to have Christmas nails for like the entire month of December. Which I wasn't exactly thrilled to do.


I'm also a terrible person because it is TWO DAYS AFTER CHRISTMAS and I took these nails off a few days ago. I JUST FORGOT TO POST THIS PLEASE DON'T HATE ME.

Not like anyone reads my blog except for Rita (hi rita!)

And then I took super shitty pictures, on top of it all, and I only have one semi-good one to show you guys.

So here are my candy cane striped nails. I like them a lot (: At first I tried freehanding the white stripes with my Orly striper, but it was just a disaster. Especially on the right hand. So I redid it using tape, and I'm super glad I did. Even though it took foreverrrrr.

Colors Used: 
-SOPI Sample Sale
-Orly Striper in White Out (I still used the striper even though I was using tape because it's nice and opaque)

Alright well. That's it. I'm going to go write my post on my animal print nails.

Hope you all had a lovely Christmas! 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Light Pink and Natural

So my mom never wears nail polish on her fingers, because she's always doing stuff around the house, and washing dishes, and it would just chip on her.
However, today she agreed to let me do something on her nails, as long as it was natural and subtle.

So I pulled out my favorite baby pink and an inoffensive glitter, and gave her these very natural looking nails. She really likes them and keeps on going "ooh, I look so trendy!"

Polishes used:
Revlon Colorstay Base Coat
2 Coats SOPI Dear Diary
(on ring finger) Butter London Tart With A Heart
Sally Hansen Instadry Top Coat

Thanks for reading! 

31 Day Challenge - Day 11: Polka Dots

Christmas is getting closer and closer, and I'm getting super excited :D
I did try to think of something Christmassy to do for these nails, but the only thing I could think of was ornaments, and I didn't like that idea. Plus, I prefer polka dot nails that only use creme polishes, for some reason.

Anyway, I was looking through my dark/wintery colors and found this lovely blue-toned gray creme that I wore a lot last winter. It came in a set of mini Sephora by OPI polishes I got for Christmas last year. I used an off-white (Urban Outfitters' Virgin) for the dots, and I actually like the way it looks. It's not my favorite, and in a lot of instances, I seriously messed up the dots, but it's cute, and it looks fine from a distance.

Polishes used:
Revlon Colorstay Base Coat
Two coats SOPI Break a Legwarmer
Dots done with UO Virgin
Sally Hansen Instadry Topcoat

Thanks for reading!

Friday, December 14, 2012

31 Day Challenge - Day 10: Gradient (Winter Wonderland Nails)

I'm going to call these my winter wonderland nails, because I used colors that were wintery and christmassy. I love the silver and blue, and it makes me think of cold, snowy winter mornings, even though it's clear and sunny in norcal these days. 

I started with a base coat of a metallic silver, and then used a makeup sponge to apply a glittery silver and a metallic blue. I finished it all off with a coat of silver holographic polish. 

Polishes used:
Base color: Sally Hansen Silver Sweep
Gradient: SOPI Bring On The Snowflakes & Spoiled Your Fly's Down
Holographic topcoat: OPI DS Shimmer

Aaaah, I think these are just so super duper pretty.
Also they look a bit like those nail polish strips you can get at the drugstore. I think they're Sally Hansen? They're silver and blue glittery gradient and they cost like ten dollars. This is a way cheaper alternative, provided you have the colors. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Pink & Orange Polka Dots

So my friend Mary just came over and since basically all I do whenever I have friends over is paint their nails, that's what we did. She just bought a few new nail polishes and wanted me to do something incorporating both colors. Basically everything Mary has is pink and orange. It's kind of her thing. So I wanted to do something with those colors. We both thought of these alternating polka dots at the same time, so that's what we decided on. 

Polishes used:
Sally Hansen Base+Top Coat
Wet n Wild Lavender Creme (This is actually pink, not lavender..)
Wet n Wild Sunny Side Up

I wasn't able to get a super fantastic picture, since it was dark outside, and I had to use artificial light. But you get the idea.

I think it's super cute, and it reminds me of candy for some reason.
Anywho, this has been a short post because I don't have many pictures, but I'll resume my normal posting soon.
Thanks for reading!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

31 Day Challenge - Day 9: Rainbow

Okay, these nails are freaking adorable. I love them.
So I was trying to decide what to do for rainbow nails, because I didn't feel like doing a skittle manicure, and my nails aren't nearly long enough right now for a full rainbow ombre. So I googled rainbow nails, and found this post by platypus nails. It looked easy and fast, and I thought that I could try a new nail polish that I just bought, so I decided to recreate it, using a different base color.

I apologize for the terrible pictures. It is unusually stormy in Norcal right now, and I had to use artificial lighting. But you get the idea.

The base color is a recently new purchase of mine, Virgin by Urban Outfitters. It's a lovely, creamy off-white that covers beautifully in two coats.

The rainbow dots were done with a dotting tool that I made myself, out of a pencil eraser and a pin.

The colors that I used for the rainbow were, in this order:
Sephora by OPI in Fiercely Fabulous
Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear in Sun Kissed
Sally Hansen Instadry in Lightening
a franken polish I made from Sinful Colors Lucky Green and OPI Black Onyx
Spoiled in Your Fly's Down
China Glaze Spontaneous

Had my nails been a bit longer, I might've been able to fit in a pink dot, as well, but I recently broke a nail and had to clip them all down short. #firstworldproblems

These are so happy looking, and I especially like the look of them over the off-white background. The overall effect isn't as bright as it would be with a stark white. I love love love it.

I'm thinking I'm going to do a sunset/skyline mani for gradient nails?? Stay tuned!